
How Cannabis Is Changing The Sports World


Cannabis has been around for ages, but the plant is only becoming more and more popular in the 21st century. It’s being used as a medicine to treat everything from sleep disorders to cancer. It has also been shown to help with a wide variety of conditions associated with pain, such as neuropathy and arthritis. However, cannabis has received a lot of attention recently because of how it can help athletes recover better when they’re injured or prevent injuries altogether. In addition, cannabis has shown promise as a performance-enhancing substance that can increase endurance and strength in athletes. This article will talk about how cannabis is changing the sports world by detailing some of its pros and cons.

What Is Cannabis?

Cannabis is a psychoactive drug that comes from the dried flowers of the cannabis plant. It is typically smoked in hand-rolled cigarettes called joints, pipes, or vaporizers. Cannabis can also be ingested orally in foods or beverages, or topically applied as creams and ointments.

There are two main types of cannabis: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is the cannabinoid that produces the “high” associated with cannabis use, while CBD has no psychoactive effects but instead provides health benefits such as pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties.

There are different strains of cannabis.  The most popular ones are indica, sativa and hybrid

What Are the Benefits of Cannabis?

The benefits of cannabis are endless. It can help athletes recover faster, increase performance, and decrease the risk of injury.  Pain relief has been one of the major benefits that cannabis has shown in recent years.

A study published in the British Journal of Anesthesia found that “Cannabis was superior to placebo both in reducing pain and improving sleep quality” (Zimmerman). This study only focused on chronic pain from cancer, but it gave evidence that cannabis is a useful treatment option for other conditions as well.  In addition to pain relief, cannabis has shown promise for athletes as a performance-enhancing substance. The plant can improve endurance and strength by calming nerve signals that otherwise cause muscle tension and spasms. With all these benefits, there’s no wonder why more and more people are turning to cannabis for their health needs.

What Are the Drawbacks of Cannabis?

Cannabis is a wonderful drug that has a lot of benefits, but there are some drawbacks. Some athletes like the idea of cannabis in their body because it helps them recover and prevent injuries, but the side effects are something they may not be willing to put up with.  One drawback of cannabis is that it can affect your coordination by affecting your reaction time and decision-making abilities. This can actually have a negative impact on performance if you’re playing a fast-paced sport like football or hockey. Additionally, some athletes find that they lose their edge during competition or training when they use cannabis and this can even decrease the amount of muscle mass in your body. Cannabis also doesn’t seem to increase muscle size so it could be an issue for people who are looking for more bulk without adding fat.

Another drawback of cannabis is that it may be addictive if you consume it often enough and over an extended period of time, so athletes need to make sure they’re aware of how much marijuana they’re using before going into competition or training.

Why Do So Many Athletes Use it?

The use of cannabis as a performance-enhancing substance is on the rise. It’s not just being used by professional athletes, but more and more everyday people are turning to it for its perceived benefits. For example, studies show that marijuana has been used as a painkiller in the NFL for decades, including before the league implemented its current policies.  Many people believe that cannabis can help athletes recover faster when they’re injured or prevent injuries altogether because of how it can reduce inflammation while also improving blood flow and oxygen levels.

How Will Sports Change Because of Cannabis?

Cannabis has been shown to help athletes with recovery, performance, and injury prevention. These are all important aspects of sports that can change the result of a game or even an entire season.  It’s difficult to say whether cannabis will increase the number of people playing sports or not in the future. With so many new discoveries being made about cannabis, it will be interesting to see how it changes sports in the next few years.  This is just one example of how cannabis is changing sports. There are many other ways in which cannabis is affecting sports as well, such as improving strength and endurance while decreasing pain and inflammation.


There are many different benefits of cannabis for athletes and sports that many people are unaware of. It can help athletes recover from injuries, provide a competitive edge and even alleviate pain. But cannabis has also proven to be a controversial topic with many people wondering how it will affect the future of sports.

As the debate continues, it is important to remember that cannabis is only as bad as we make it out to be.  If you are interested in trying out cannabis, visit


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