15 Reviews

WTF – Budder – Gorilla Glue #4



WTFCannabis Budder Gorilla Glue #4

WTFCannabis Budder Gorilla Glue #4 is a slightly indica-dominant hybrid strain (60% indica/40% sativa). Users cherish this strain for its potent effects and long-lasting high. It starts with a euphoric and creatively uplifting buzz, followed by a heavy, glue-like sensation that leaves you blissfully couch-locked. With THC levels averaging between 18-25%, users favor Gorilla Glue #4 for treating ADD/ADHD, chronic pain, depression, fatigue, insomnia, appetite loss, nausea, migraines, and headaches. Additionally It has a spicy, chemical chocolate flavor with a diesel exhale that becomes sweeter with each toke. The aroma is similarly pungent and peppery, offering a complex and invigorating experience. Gorilla Glue #4 is sure to delight

Here at WTFCannabis we’ve developed a premium cannabis concentrate that’s sure to elevate your experience. We craft our budder with care, using high-quality cannabis strains to ensure a potent and flavorful product. Each batch is meticulously processed to create a smooth, creamy texture that’s easy to work with and enjoy.

Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis connoisseur or new to concentrates, our budder offers a versatile and enjoyable way to consume cannabis. With its high THC content and rich terpene profile, WTFcannabis Budder delivers an experience that’s perfect for relaxation, creativity, or simply unwinding after a long day.

There are several ways to enjoy budder:

  1. Dabbing: Dabbing is the most common way to consume budder. Use a dab rig to vaporize the budder and inhale the vapor.
  2. Mixing with Flower:  Mix a small amount of budder to enhance the potency of your joint or bowl.
  3. Edibles: You can infuse budder into your favorite recipes to create potent edibles.

Experimenting with different methods can help you find the most enjoyable way to consume budder based on your preferences and desired effects. Experience the potency and affordability of our in-house budder!

Additional information

Weight N/A

15 reviews for WTF – Budder – Gorilla Glue #4

  1. McIntosh

    Strong smoke, nice texture good buzz 🐝

  2. CanadianMomma77 (verified owner)

    If you have smoked the flower then you know this is going to hit well.

  3. todd (verified owner)

    5/5 taste smell high and the price is insane

  4. Yuji (verified owner)

    I can barely begin to describe what budder has done for me specifically the gorilla glue one. I never used budder previously and usually just bought pre-rolled joints since I didn’t know anything about it and wanted a quick & easy high but once my friend introduced it to me I got hooked immediately.

  5. bangtandang19 (verified owner)

    butter? nope, its budder thats where it’s at!!

  6. jake k. (verified owner)

    good stuff. would buy again.

  7. saf (verified owner)

    cant wait for my next shipment of this been using it for at least a year now and i havent stopped

  8. Bern (verified owner)

    10/10 will be using it for a long time.

  9. Johnson (verified owner)

    Not use to getting high but I eased into it because honestly, advil just wasn’t doing me justice any longer but this even just a small bit of it does me wonders

  10. teddyt1 (verified owner)

    when i use this shit i am glued to my couch i can barely get up and go to the door and pick up the food i ordered LMAOO

    once i had to call a neighbour and told me where my spare key was to bring in my food for me (dont worry i tipped her graciously)

  11. Tee (verified owner)

    You guys have yet to let me down, it’s one amazing product after another. I can’t keep up anymore, I use to do my best to try each one at least once but I’ve been hooked on this one for months and can’t barely to replace it for even a second

  12. ZippingZee25 (verified owner)

    I fell into a depression and needed something to help the ease my mental on days where I can barely hop out of bed so my roommate handed me this after seeing me locked in my room for 2 days straight and thank god he did or I would’ve been locked in there for a week

  13. Anderson (verified owner)

    My girlfriend has been struggling to keep things down lately so I suggested maybe a small high could get her a bit hungry and she gave me free rein to choose anything I’d like and I settled on this one. I wasn’t sure at first so when my friend so happily gave me their opinion I threw it in my cart immediately and so far after a couple weeks of using it she seems to be loving it far. Honestly, she’s eaten more meals in a single week than she has all month

  14. LILA (verified owner)


  15. Noah Emond (verified owner)

    this one did there i bought and it damn jesus it was a fine one! sure as much gave me them munchies the kids are talking about! made my wifes dinner taste 10x better! YUM YUM

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