1. ganjagreens

    good density and potency, also smells great

  2. kettlecorn

    i hope this one never goes out of stock 🙂

  3. Nathan M

    Fruity smell and floral taste and soft thick smoke. A deep satisfaction feeling is wrapping the whole experience, very soothing. Makes a big impact on focus abilities, and seems to maintain the same zen-focused energy. A buzz can be felt as a warm sensation in the stomach, compared to the whole body buzz can be felt when smoking other strong hybrids. Both physical motivation and mental ambition are impressively low for a day time use strain.

  4. S. Park

    Side note: Add this into your cart, you won't regret it

  5. amanda293

    binging movies never felt easier

  6. RizzardofOz

    all the ladies loving me when i got this in my hand

  7. XCL

    always a refreshing high with this tropical wrap

  8. 9nine

    just what i needed after a long ass week thanks wtf 👍👍👍

  9. milkyyice

    comes with a decently powerful flavor

  10. P00pyboi

    Yo this shit is pretty good, better than good

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