
Best Tools to Clean Your Bong

It’s time to clean your glass bong! If you’re looking for the best items to use, look no further.

First of all, you’ll need a good cleaning brush. Pipe cleaners are the best cleaning brush out there because you can bend them to get all the little hidden areas in your bong, which means that it will be less effort next time you have to clean.

Next, you’ll want some alcohol wipes or a spray bottle filled with 91% isopropyl alcohol (IPA). You can get these at any convenience store or pharmacy. The IPA will help remove any remaining residue from smoking weed out of your bong, so it’s important not to skip this step!

Finally, once everything has been cleaned off of your bong as best as possible with the IPA and/or wipes, fill it up with water and let it sit overnight so that all traces of THC can be removed from the inside of your bong before using again tomorrow night!

Now you know how to keep your glass bong clean, and what tools are best for the job. You may have noticed that there are some things you can’t do without, like a pipe brush or a bowl scraper, but there are also some things that you can go without—like cleaners or paper towels!

If you have any questions about this topic, feel free to ask in the comments section below.


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