
Sativa Vs Indica: Which One Is The Right For You?


Cannabis strains are usually categorized as either Sativa or Indica. Sativas are known for their stimulating, cerebral effects that can help with creativity, focus, and energy levels. Indicas are more sedating and provide relief from stress, pain, and anxiety. Knowing the difference between the two will help you find the perfect strain for what you need.

Here’s a rundown of some of the benefits to each type of strain:


  • Helps improve mood
  • Increases focus
  • Energizes


  • Relieves stress
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Helps sleep.

What are Sativa and Indica?

What are Sativas and Indicas?

Sativa is a term that refers to the plant’s tendency to grow tall and have long, thin leaves. This type of cannabis plant can also produce very high yields of flowers.  In contrast, Indica is a term that refers to the plant’s tendency to grow short and stocky with broad leaves. It will also produce low-quality flowers in high quantities.

The Effects of Sativas

Sativas relieve stress and increase focus, making them ideal for focused work or mental stimulation. It is also a good choice for improving moods and creativity.  Sativas are known for their stimulating, cerebral effects that can help with creativity, focus, and energy levels. They tend to have a more uplifting effect on the body and mind.

Both Sativas and Indicas have the ability to help with sleep.

The Effects of Indicas

Indicas are typically more sedating and provide relief from stress, pain, and anxiety. Indicas also have a higher CBD to THC ratio. This means that they’re able to relieve pain without the “high” feeling that Sativas often have.

Indicas provide relief from pain, anxiety, and inflammation. They are great for relieving tension and easing physical discomfort without causing drowsiness.  Indicas tend to be more sedating which is perfect for people who need a restful night’s sleep or those who find it difficult to fall asleep due to pain or other issues.

Choosing the Right One for You

It’s important to know the differences between these two types of strains in order to find the perfect cannabis strain for you.

If you’re looking for something that will help with your creativity or focus, it might be best to choose a Sativa strain. If you’re looking for something to help reduce stress or anxiety, it might be better to go for an Indica strain. For pain relief, it is best to use both strains together, and for sleep, it is best to choose an Indica strain because of its ability to relax the body and mind.

Choosing the right cannabis strain can make all the difference in how effective your treatment or other medical condition is!  Shop at for a wide selection of sativa and indica stains for your needs.


Indica or Sativa- what does it really matter?

There are a lot of factors you should consider when choosing your marijuana strain, including the number of plants you have, the amount of time you want to spend enjoying your weed, and the effects you hope to get from smoking.  But if you’re already a patient, there’s no need to worry about the effects of different marijuana strains. Just make sure you’re receiving the right dosage for your symptoms.  

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