15 Reviews

Hash – Disney



Hashish is a potent form of cannabis produced by collecting and compressing trichomes, the most potent material from cannabis plant.

Hashish, hash for short, is derived from the “kief,” or the dried resin, of the flowering tops of mature and unpollinated female cannabis plants. The resin glands are called trichomes or crystals. Hash is harvested by collecting the powdery resin either by hand, by mechanical beating of the plants, or by submersing cannabis plants in icy water and then using small sieves to remove the trichomes, which are then dried (this type of hashish is called “bubble hash”). The remaining kief is typically pressed into “cakes,” or blocks, which are then smoked in pipes, vaporized and inhaled, or mixed with marijuana in joints.

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15 reviews for Hash – Disney

  1. roxy

    quite a body numbing buzz

  2. Grace L

    One hell of a hash that gives you a decent buzz

  3. S. Park

    Woah, I wasn’t expecting this one to be so good, I usually don’t go for these ones

  4. MaGoo25 (verified owner)

    Favorite since the day I tried it

  5. babielillth (verified owner)

    this is how to make ur day more relaxing

  6. Niklesh

    gives u a magical experience

  7. Crew (verified owner)

    yummy. very good taste. bids up nicely and smokes well. I give Disney a plus

  8. Bingchillin


  9. SHOKO (verified owner)

    im gonna be using this forever

  10. Laserface

    Fantastic product! I can always count on WTF

  11. Sigmaballs

    cancelled plans stayed in and used this, best choice i ever made

  12. Ethan Thompson

    I knew the name would only bring me a happy experience

  13. sinister

    never thought i’d find a disney labeled hash but shit was better than i expected 10/10 high

  14. wafflecrisps

    a better version of disney

  15. juiceturtle357

    weird but my girl and i used a bit of this and watched some disney movies and it was like a whole new adult version of it

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