
Wake and Bake: How Cannabis Coffee is Revolutionizing Your Morning Routine

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Do you feel bored with your daily morning routine? Are you facing difficulty in getting up from bed to begin your day? You can try out cannabis coffee, which is gaining popularity worldwide due to its potential health benefits. Combining coffee with cannabis is believed to have therapeutic properties and can create a calming and rejuvenating effect. Incorporating cannabis coffee in your morning ritual can add a distinctive and enjoyable flavor to your regular cup of coffee. Embrace the trend and explore the advantages of starting your day with cannabis coffee.

What is Wake and Bake?

“Wake and bake” is a slang term that refers to the act of smoking cannabis immediately after waking up in the morning. The term is used to describe the practice of getting high as the first activity of the day. It is a popular practice among some cannabis users who enjoy starting their day with a relaxing and uplifting high.

Benefits of Cannabis Coffee

Cannabis coffee offers a range of benefits that make it a great addition to your morning routine. The main benefit is the combination of caffeine and cannabis, which provides a unique and energizing experience. The caffeine in the coffee provides a boost of energy that helps you start your day off on the right foot. The cannabis provides a relaxing and uplifting experience that reduces anxiety and improves mood.

Another benefit of cannabis coffee is the ability to customize the dosage. You can adjust the amount of cannabis oil or cannabutter used to make the coffee to achieve the desired effect.

Cannabis coffee is also a great alternative to smoking cannabis. Smoking cannabis can have negative effects on the lungs and may not be the most practical option for everyone. Cannabis coffee provides the same benefits as smoking cannabis without the negative effects on the lungs.

How to make cannabis coffee at home

Making cannabis coffee at home is a simple and easy process. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Coffee beans
  • Cannabis oil or cannabutter
  • Coffee grinder
  • Coffee maker

To make cannabis coffee, start by grinding your coffee beans. Next, mix your cannabis oil or cannabutter with the ground coffee beans. The amount of cannabis oil or cannabutter you use will depend on your desired dosage. Generally, a ratio of 1 tablespoon of oil or butter per cup of coffee is a good starting point.

Once your coffee beans are infused with cannabis oil or cannabutter, it’s time to brew your coffee. Use your coffee maker to brew your coffee as you normally would. The result is a delicious and flavorful cup of coffee that provides a boost of energy and a relaxing and uplifting experience.

Tips for brewing the perfect cup of cannabis coffee

Brewing the perfect cup of cannabis coffee takes a bit of practice, but with the right tips, anyone can do it. Here are some tips to help you brew the perfect cup of cannabis coffee:

  • Use high-quality coffee beans: The quality of your coffee beans will have a big impact on the flavour of your cannabis coffee. Invest in high-quality coffee beans to ensure a delicious and flavourful cup of coffee.
  • Experiment with dosages: Everyone’s tolerance to cannabis is different. Start with a low dosage and gradually increase until you find your desired effect.
  • Use a coffee grinder: Grinding your own coffee beans ensures that they are fresh and flavorful. Invest in a coffee grinder to achieve the best flavor.
  • Brew at the right temperature: Brewing coffee at the right temperature ensures that the coffee is extracted correctly. The ideal temperature for brewing coffee is between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Use the right brewing method: There are many different brewing methods to choose from, including drip, French press, and espresso. Experiment with different methods to find the one that works best for you.


The introduction of cannabis coffee has brought about a new way of kickstarting our day. It adds a distinct and tasty element to our usual morning coffee, along with several advantages like increased energy and a soothing and elevating sensation. Preparing cannabis coffee at home is uncomplicated and effortless, and by following some helpful tips, anyone can make a perfect cup of cannabis coffee. Embrace this new trend and experience the benefits of cannabis coffee in your daily routine to start your day on a positive note.  Visit online dispensary for all your cannabis needs.


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